J Houston

Do we wait for homeplace or do we create it? The photographs in Tuck and Roll address this question and build a queer and trans community situated across all of Brooklyn, examining what a utopia could look like in domestic and private landscapes. Sitting somewhere between reaction and fantasy, I repurpose text from police manuals, photograph chosen family, form new relationships, and pull materials integral to queer nightlife into the daylight. The work builds a nuanced representation that doesn’t need to be a counterbalance to erasure and a lack of public space, but rather exists separate from and despite these violences. The interiors and portraits are shot on a large-format camera to give large amounts of time and expense to the lgbtqia+ community, something we have historically been denied in media representation related to pride, drag, and news stories.
In May of 2021, these portraits of Brooklyn's lgbtqia+ community will be installed with other elements that create temporary domestic space, such as carpet and wallpaper, in The Java Project, an experimental gallery space in Greenpoint. This solo exhibition will be my first in Brooklyn, and I'm viewing it both as an opportunity to show the work made in this borough to those in the photographs and connect with those who relate to the photographs regionally.