Alma Moyo

Alma Moyo Resucitan Liberation Activation Tour
Artistic Discipline: Performing Arts
Category: Creative Equations Fund: Cultural Heritage & Diversity
Grant Year: 2023
Location: Crown Heights

Alma Moyo seeks to ignite the ancestral legacy of liberation, resistance, and inherent human dignity through a drum, dance, storytelling, and digital photography experiences connected to maroon legacies, that supports people from the African Diaspora are committed to the roots traditional practice of Afro-Puerto Rican Bomba. Through a dynamic storytelling, drum, dance, and digital photography experience, we seek to bring together healers, drummers, dancers, singers, and community people to activate and spark the power of a collective conversation, thereby activating ancestral vision for freedom, human dignity, and liberation for black people and their descendants through the Americas.

Image: Marcos Rios, 2022