Maaa Film

A film festival about Iranian women and the restrictions they have endured under the current laws.
At the time of a huge women uprising in our home country that has taken the world by surprise, it is becoming increasingly more important for the Iranian diaspora to be engaged and the non-Iranian community to learn about this subject matter. What makes today's event historical is that it is the first revolution in the world lead by women and Gen Z. As women from Iran, we have felt the need and obligation on bringing attention to our stories. We had realized the significance of these stories from a while ago, and for several years have focused on working with women filmmakers from Iran, helping distribute their stories, and writing about them. It is a necessary part of our narrative, as for many years, the stereotype of Iranian women was one mostly thought of as voiceless and submissive. This could not be further from the truth. Our women have been fighting for their rights for the past century.