Urbano Street

The U Street Music Festival 2023 is an all-ages community experience for "U." The open-street event is the first music gathering of its kind organized in collaboration with BIPOC nonprofit leaders, creatives, musicians, and promoters. When: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Where: On Suydam St between Irving ave. and Knickerbocker ave. Next to Maria Hernandez Park This spring, the U Street Music Fest celebrates the return of live music while activating, unifying, and supporting underrepresented music and art communities. Our mission is to support underground and alternative artists. The two stages, one for bands and one for DJS, provide a platform for self-expression and community building while creating a record of street culture. With a primary focus on paying BIPOC artists who enrich New York City's diverse, inclusive, and vibrant culture. As a nonprofit and audiovisual station, Urbano Street is leading the initiative to foster collaboration between like-minded individuals and creators supporting Brooklyn's independent and underrepresented music communities. To provide a discovery platform for multicultural and non-commercial musicians, record selectors, and street artists.