Louise Heit-Radwell

Louise Heit-Radwell has received three consecutive SuCasa awards ’20, ’21, ’22. In 2022, Louise was awarded the Shula Strassfeld Memorial Scholarship from Liz Lerman’s Dance Exchange in recognition of her work in creative aging. She holds a MA from Trinity Laban Conservatorie of Movement and Dance in London, where she received a Bonnie Bird Memorial Scholarship, CMA (Certified Movement Analysis) from the Laban/Bartenieff Institute in NYC and BFA from New York University Experimental Theater Wing/Tisch Dance. She is also a member of the movement improv group, Old Enough to Know Better.
In this creative dance residency, participants will be inspired to understand and tap into the expressive power of their bodies and to share their stories through dance and movement. Participants will learn about the elements of dance and how to generate original movement material in collaboration with others. This material will be used to create a dance presentation for a culminating event that reflects the participants lived experiences.