
Artistic Discipline: Performing Arts
Category: Creative Equations Fund: Justice, Equity, & SustainabilitySocial Innovation Fellow
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Greenpoint

HIKAYAT, which means "stories," "tale," or "narrative" in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, is a series of events creating a supportive and interactive space where SWANA* diasporic artists in New York can share and celebrate stories from their community through live performance arts, including poetry, music, performance, and dance. The themed evenings include readings, open mic sessions led by an MC, a curated program of performances, and a mixer for the audience and artists alongside music by a DJ or band. A key tenet of the Hikayat series is to create a platform for SWANA diasporic artists within the broader cultural fabric of New York, celebrating the region’s diverse cultural heritage, in a spirit of communal gathering and exchange. *The Southwest Asia North Africa (SWANA) region is home to large and diverse groups of peoples with distinct ethnic, linguistic, religious, national, and cultural affiliations that include but are NOT limited to: Afghans, Amazighs, Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Azeris, Bahais, Balochs, Chaldeans, Copts, Druze, Hazaras, Iranians, Jews, Kurds, Maronites, Turks, Yazidis, Zoroastrians, and many more!

Ginou Choueri, Executive Director of ArteEast, is a 2024 Brooklyn Innovation Fellow.