Artistic Discipline: Performing Arts
Category: Creative Equations Fund: Justice, Equity, & Sustainability
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Greenpoint

Set in a surreally beautiful nature sanctuary sprouting on top of an ExxonMobil industrial plant on the bank of Superfund site Newtown Creek, the recurring WE ARE NATURE Rooftop Series offers a combination of multiple art forms – dance, music, performance, visual art, poetry, prose, and film – addressing humanity’s place on Earth in aims of engaging a diverse audience in environmental efforts through art. NOoSPHERE Arts encourages dialogue, openness to experimentation, and radical inclusivity. We aim to elevate the voices of historically marginalized populations. We are driven by the desire to ignite a shift in perspective from the parts to the whole. We see life as a cooperative dance energized by creativity and the constant emergence of novelty. Our goal is to instill belief in personal agency and hope through collective action: with shared efforts towards sustainability, diversity, and equity, we can create a more united and joyful world.