Nora Almeida & Iki Nakagawa

"Creek Care and Community Celebrations"
Pronouns: she / her / they
Artistic Discipline: Interdisciplinary
Category: Brooklyn Arts Fund
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Coney Island

Creek Care and Community Celebrations are free eco-stewardship events and public art workshops hosted in Kaiser Park from July-October 2024. Events organized in collaboration with civic and local organizations, community youth, and artists include: A silkscreen workshop and interactive dialogue about local impacts and responses to sea level rise as part of the annual City of Water Day festival in July. A shoreline clean-up, urban ecology discussion, and art workshop in August where participants will learn how to make short videos and cyanotypes, a form of printmaking that uses the sun. The workshop will introduce embodied documentation as a practice to observe the Creek and cover technical aspects of image capture / assemblage using digital and analog media. Community gathering in October, coinciding with the 12th anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, to celebrate acts of community care for the earth and raise questions about what resilience looks like in the wake of rising seas and increased flooding events. Materials and artwork generated by previous events in the series as well as documentation of dialogues and stewardship events will be installed in Kaiser Park as part of a celebration with a DJ and film-screening.