Sari Carel

"A More Perfect Circle"
Pronouns: she / them
Artistic Discipline: Visual Arts
Category: Brooklyn Arts Fund
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Greenpoint

Artist and activist Sari Carel presents a series of ceramic sculptures inspired by the single-use coffee cup, a ubiquitous object that brings into focus people’s daily experience of interacting with trash. The installation connects our personal encounters with disposable objects to the wider systems that fill our lives with waste. A More Perfect Circle is curated by Jennifer McGregor and presented by KODA. The project opens to the public on April 20, 2024 and will be on view through June 30, 2024. The Greenpoint Library and Environmental Education Center in Brooklyn will co-present the project, host selected programs, and present a behind the scenes look at the project in display cases. A More Perfect Circle is informed by research the artist conducted in collaboration with Nicholas Hoynes, a PhD student in Environmental Sociology at NYU. Together, Carel and Hoynes surveyed employees and patrons of local coffee shops about their daily experience with single-use objects. Their research uncovered a sense of powerlessness and conflict about a choice at the center of a daily routine. What happens to that daily, single-use plastic-lined paper coffee cup when you toss it in the trash can, and why do we take it for granted?