Sirlenda Maxwell

Artistic Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Category: Creative Equations Fund: Social Innovation & Cultural EntrepreneurshipSocial Innovation Fellow
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Clinton Hill

SO GROUNDED™ is not only a homeschool experience but offers workshops that celebrate African contributions by introducing participants to the African Diaspora, self-expression through art, empathy and understanding through African textiles, mindfulness and healing, discovery of contemporary texts, African dance, ancient African math to modern times, exploring the use of plants in traditional African medicine and its scientific basis, and environmental stewardship and sustainability. SO GROUNDED™ encourages holistic learning opportunities and facilitates community through dialogue that centers on who we are and how we present ourselves to the world unapologetically. These practices not only empower us but also our community. In the future, we plan to expand SO GROUNDED™ by providing subscriptions/ kits for purchase and or workshops/ retreats for adults who would be interested in bringing wellness, awareness to promote a strong sense of cultural identity and awaken consciousness.