UPROSE & BombaYo - a collaborative 

BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance
Artistic Discipline: Cultural Heritage
Category: Local Arts Support
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Sunset Park

BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance is a collaborative partnership between BombaYo and UPROSE. In the context of rising social tensions and global climate change, BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance will bring together an intergenerational audience, to explore the connections between social cohesion/resilience, climate justice, and social networks. BombaYo will lead Sunset Park residents in Bomba dance/music workshops and UPROSE, the community sponsor, will lead community outreach to recruit participants and provide the venue for the workshops. BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance is a dance/music workshop series rooted in the Afro-Puerto Rican Bomba cultural tradition. Bomba is an interactive and participatory art form born out of resistance to slavery and colonization on the island of Puerto Rico. Through BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance, participants will explore the concept of “resistance” in the face of historic and contemporary social justice issues. BOMBA: Rooted in Resistance, will take place in the Sunset Park, a predominantly Latino, Middle Eastern and Asian working-class community, with over 47% of the residents foreign-born. UPROSE works to achieve social and climate justice by leveraging existing community relationships and assets to remain resilient in the face of ongoing threats to low-income frontline communities of color.