Jihane E. Serkhane

"Well-behaved women seldom make history" (Laurel Thatcher Ulrich)
If you were born a women, and don't play a drum, or were told or told yourself that you lacked Rhythm, Stamina, Focus and/or Self-confidence, Dar Brooklyn is For You! If you noticed or not that the local, national and international instrumentalists' scene looks like a plate of meat with no Kale, Dar Brooklyn is For You! If you do or don't know where Algeria is, Dar Brooklyn is For You! If you are or aren't of North-African, Middle-Eastern or South-Asian (MENASA) descent, Dar Brooklyn is For You! Whether you do or don't have Muslim and/or MENASA girlfriends, Dar Brooklyn is For You!
Dar Brooklyn: Darbuka for Her! is a series of traditional Algerian Darbuka (goblet drum) workshops for female beginners in Brooklyn, taught by Algerian-Tunisian Berber drummer and cultural activist Dr. Jihene Serkhane. Jihene's passion and mission is to create opportunities for women of Middle Eastern, North African and South-Asian descent to value and share their culture, while educating, empowering and connecting women of all backgrounds in Brooklyn and beyond. She studies under Master drummer Amar Chaoui
Please join us in making history and bridging Gender and Cultural gaps, at our all-females Beginners' Algerian drum workshop series!
Suggested donations: $10-20 (no one turned down for lack of funds)
We'll have drums to use in sessions, or to borrow for home practice (for a deposit).
To secure a drum, please RSVP and get confirmation at 646 323 0573 (text/What's app) or darbukaforher@gmail.com Thanks!
Dar Brooklyn: Darbouka For Her! is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). Dar Brooklyn: Darbouka For Her! is also sponsored, in part, by House of Yes and TBD.