Siji Awoyinka

Ede Emi
Artistic Discipline: Film/Video
Category: Brooklyn Arts Fund
Grant Year: 2022
Location: East New York

Ede Emi is an intimate documentary portrait of retention, revival, and rhythm in a Nigerian immigrant Community told through their practices in the cultural syncretic faith tradition, the Sunrise Cherubim & Seraphim Church, Brooklyn, NY. Shooting cinema verité style, Ede Emi will seek to showcase and highlight some of the church’s key modes of worship and spiritual practices which are as sophisticated and rich as their culture of origin. Through extensive audio and video interviews with its founder, Prophetess Funke Aladewura Odubiro, various congregation members, neighborhood residents, as well as Nigerian born Dr. Jacob Olupona, Professor of African Religious Traditions, Harvard Divinity School, we shall show how this closely knit community empowers itself, triumphs adversity, preserves its native culture and builds for the coming generation. It is also hoped that the documentary will help to shift preconceived notions about immigrant lives and culture.