Sari Nordman

Tower: Framing the Immigrant Experience
Artistic Discipline: Interdisciplinary
Category: Creative Equations Fund: Advocacy & Immigrant Voices
Grant Year: 2022

Tower: Framing the Immigrant Experience, a video installation, reflects on immigrant achievements and struggles in the US. Combining video, archiving, research data and community participation, the installation is reminiscent of the biblical story of the Tower of Babel and the value of cultural differences. The installation highlights interviews of people of diverse backgrounds sharing their personal experiences as immigrants in the US. Their interviews are transcribed on a designated website with links to the American Immigration Council’s research data on immigration and economy. With this work Nordman, an immigrant herself, wants to help amplify immigrant voices, raise awareness and understanding of their experiences, create supportive community, and offer solutions with the interviewees’ help.

Image: Sari Nordman, August 2021.