Womanly Magazine

Founded in 2017, Womanly Magazine is a Black-led, dynamic multimedia platform that provides accessible health information to women and non-binary individuals. We use art and creative expressions as tools to bridge the gap between generations, complexions, and cultures, to hold difficult conversations, and to promote healthy behaviors. Each article is thoroughly vetted by a panel of public health professionals to ensure accuracy. Past issues include “Matters of the Heart,” “Black Maternal Health,” and “Eating Good”. Our content makes vital health information accessible and digestible for the everyday woman, non-binary people, and communities of color. We envision a world where women, communities of color, and gender non-binary folk have the information they need to make informed, empowered decisions about their care. In addition to creating and distributing Womanly Magazine for free at health centers and community spaces, we also host and organize creative workshops, panels, story slams, and art activations that highlight the incredible community work of artists, authors, and healthcare professionals. Womanly Magazine has been featured in FORBES, Marie Claire, Remezcla and other sites.