Grace Lee

Born stateless on a U.S. military base in Seoul and raised on four continents, I am a writer and editor based in Brooklyn with extensive working with elders in the arts and in community health. Fragmented lives, memory, intergenerational resilience, and the search for home are central themes in my writing. My writing centralizes the “other” who belongs to multiple communities on the margins. My work has been supported by Brooklyn Arts Council, Yaddo, Asian American Writers Workshop, Kundiman, Jentel, Hedgebrook, Bread Loaf, Caldera, AIR Budapest, Hambidge, Jerome Foundation, VONA, NYFA, etc. I attended the Simon Bolivar Conservatory of Music in Caracas, Smith College (B.A., cultural anthropology), and hold graduate degrees in public health/Latin American Studies from UCLA. in 2022, I was selected as a Narrative Initiative Changemakers Author Fellow and an Open City Fellow at the Asian American Writers Workshop, and awarded the Bakeless Nason Nonfiction Scholarship at Bread Loaf Writers' Workshop.
"Our Lives, Our Stories, Our Voices!" is a storytelling workshops to honor rich life histories of elders to increase social engagement and wellbeing through creative storytelling. I will modify the pgm based in elders' interests and needs (during a previous SU CASA, I modified the pgm from a writing workshop to a verbal storytelling workshop as many elders had limitations such as visual impairment, Parkinson's disease, limited English writing ability, etc.). The residency will culminate in a public program that will be a book/anthology launch event and celebration of the elders' life histories.