Dominicans Love Haitians Movement

The Nou Akoma Nou Sinèrji Haitian Dominican Transnational Film Festival
Artistic Discipline: Film/Video
Category: Brooklyn Arts Fund
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Downtown Brooklyn

The Nou Akoma Nou Sinèrji (We Heart We Synergy) Haitian Dominican Transnational Film Festival (NOU) celebrates the global Haitian and Dominican diasporas, navigating histories and confronting counterknowledge while cultivating a future that inspires individuals to break down barriers and build bridges across communities to promote human rights for all. NOU aims to showcase art and films from emerging and accomplished industry professionals of the Haitian and Dominican African diasporas to reflect our community’s diverse experiences and backgrounds authentically and celebrate a transnational experience, one that extends beyond the borders of these two nations and encompasses the experiences of those diasporas globally. The festival’s four days of programming at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, Wednesday, October 9 through Saturday, October 12, 2024, will promote cultural diversity through film (e.g., drama, documentary, experimental, short films), audio/podcast, visual art, and panel discussions with filmmakers, scholars, and community members. The second annual festival has an open call for artists and proposals based on the concept of “the right to have rights,” inspired by Hannah Arendt's philosophy and writings. Dominicans Love Haitians Movement is building a platform utilizing cultural enrichment, the humanities, community engagement, and underserved artists to address racialization, human rights, and decolonization practices.