Anderson Zaca

St. Nicks Alliance - Swinging Sixties Senior Center
"Melting Pot of Experiences"
Pronouns: he/him
Artistic Discipline: StorytellingPodcast
Category: SU-CASA
Grant Year: 2024
Location: Williamsburg

About Anderson Zaca
Anderson Zaca lives in NYC and holds a degree in photography and film production. Since completing his education, Zaca has exhibited his work internationally and has traveled widely for various photo documentary assignments and commercial projects.

His first publication, "Block Party," is a collection of photographs showcasing street scenes from the block parties found across New York City, a treasured cultural marker of summertime in the city. The interactive exhibit of the block party at the Brooklyn Children's Museum attracted over a quarter of a million visitors during its six-month run and was sponsored by Fujifilm and Samsung. Zaca is currently working on a screenplay and a subsequent feature film based on "Block Party," co-hosting and directing a short documentary series called "The Darkroom Masters," and preparing for the release of a portrait/documentary book titled "Invasion" for the summer of 2025.

His commercial clientele includes companies and publications such as Nike, Budweiser, Neiman Marcus, Spotify, Renault, Samsung, Rolling Stone, and The Economist. In 2018, he was awarded the Best Fashion Photographer by the Visual Arts Press Awards.

About "Melting Pot of Experiences":
The Melting Pot of Experiences is a podcast where topics are democratically chosen by the participants, who then conduct interviews with each other. Each episode will be edited by the participants with the instructor's help, and a link will be created for each one of them. During these interviews, participants have the opportunity to express themselves about topics that interest them. They can even choose to interview individuals from outside the group if they wish. This initiative is especially important for the elder community, particularly in a city like NYC, where youth come and go rapidly, and those who remain in the city have a wealth of experiences to share. From choosing the podcast's name to editing and sharing it with the world, the participants will be actively involved in every step of the process.