Carmen Ferreyra

With fully-funded research programs and continuously elevating platforms, The Curatorial Program for Research (CPR) creates a socially-conscious network of art professionals that connect with art scenes in burgeoning cities around the globe.
In 2020, CPR will organize the second edition of Empowering the LatinX Arts Community of Brooklyn, a series of workshops led by and for New-York based cultural workers. At a time when LatinX communities continue to confront hostility and barriers to participation, their objective is to support the members of the LatinX arts community in Brooklyn through community engagement, mentorship, and peer networks.
After the success of the first CPR workshop in Summer 2019, CPR will present a second edition in Summer 2020, with 10 full-day sessions: two weeks, Monday through Friday, July 6 to 17. The workshop will be conducted in English with bilingual facilitators.
Each day will include presentations and a skills-based seminar, addressing topics like community engagement through the arts; collaborating with established cultural communities; navigating art markets; the role of public art in place-making; and the intersection of LGBTQIA and LatinX communities. Topics are developed collaboratively with presenters, and intended to be relevant for cultural workers coming from and working in LatinX communities, including U.S.-born Latinos/as/x and recent immigrants.
In addition to lectures and seminars, each registered participant will have a one-hour meeting with a mentor in their field, drawn from the workshop leaders. These will be scheduled on Fridays during the two-week workshops and on weekday evenings for the fall. Each workshop will also include an evening networking event to promote collaboration among participants, open to registered workshop participants, workshop alumni, and the general public.
LatinX cultural workers face inadequate representation and unequal access to educational and institutional resources in the arts, and CPR is uniquely situated to support professional networks of LatinX cultural workers who are shaping more equitable institutions, policies, and programs in the arts. CPR’s founding Director, Carmen Ferreyra, has spent the past 15 years working to empower and advance the presence of LatinX and Latin American artists in the international art world after immigrating from Argentina in 2004. CPR continues this commitment to strengthening networks of diverse arts professionals and brings this work home to Brooklyn through the workshops.