Essence Theatre-Studio, Inc.

The EssenceTheatre-Studio is a nonprofit organization with the purpose to enrich, empower and stimulate its audience by providing the highest standard of theatrical performance. Its goal is to engage the audience in thought-provoking topics while emphasizing the importance of open communication, mutual respect and empathy. Essence’s plays convey core universal values and deep understanding of human nature and psychology.
The theatre was founded by immigrants from Uzbekistan and encompasses the unique blend of multinational and multicultural backgrounds, serving as a cultural hub for emigrants from the former USSR, especially Uzbek community.
In Latin, “Vox In Deserto" means “the voice of one crying in the wilderness." In their latest performance, this expression becomes a symbol of a desperate man, who cannot or does not want to be heard.
“Vox in Deserto” is a play about immigrants and anyone who has ever emigrated or is familiar with the lives of immigrants. Such an audience sympathizes and deeply relates to this story; they will be touched and feel deeply cared for by the actors, the artistic medium itself, their neighbors, and the country that provides opportunity and a new home.
“Vox In Deserto" has been staged in 2018 as a joint international project between Essence Theatre-Studio (USA), the State Youth theater of Uzbekistan, and the Akko International Theater Festival (Israel).